

Please follow the instructions here or download the latest binaries here

Setup (Mac or Linux)

Create an environment file

Create a text file .env and store the following four environmental variables in it.


Here is an explanation on where to source the correct values:

RESTIC_REPOSITORYPlease check your account page for the correct URL
RESTIC_REST_USERNAMEThis is the account username you use to login on our website
RESTIC_REST_PASSWORDThis is the account password you use to login on our website
RESTIC_PASSWORDThis is the encryption password used to encrypt your repository. You can pick anything you like, but make sure to carefully store it somewhere as we do not have access to it!

For example, the .env file could look like this:

We do not store your Restic password (encryption key) and do not have access to it. If you lose this key after initializing the repository (next step), we cannot help you get access to your data.

Source the environment file

source .env

Initialize the repository

restic init

Run a backup

This example runs a backup of your home directory. You can backup any path you wish.

restic backup ~/

If this successfully worked, then great! Make sure to explore all of restic’s advanced features here.

Setup (Windows)

To be added; in the meantime please contact us.


We strongly recommend you use Autorestic or Backrest to schedule and manage your backups. You can also schedule backup runs using crontab or your system’s task scheduler.